Thursday, August 28, 2008

POP captains: Where are they NOW?

Although turning to the bottle at a very young age she was able to kick the habit around the same time she stopped eating the glue at school. She replaced the bottle with a whole lot of angriness but rumor has it she’s been caught cuddling recently! POP is thankful for her hucks, her IO flick and "don't mess with me" ATTITUDE!

When this messy kid is not making sure people are pain free when they are under the knife she's raining down hucks on some of POP's fastest cutters. POP is thankful for her endless knowledge, years of experience and cute new haircut.

1 comment:

Warrior Princess said...

Cuddling?! I once woke up with a rug burn on my forehead; then I remembered- she "cuddled" my head into a couch during a wrestling match.

I'll be living vicariously through you this weekend! Best of luck, wish I could be there!!!